Audio files of Dr. Koch's lectures for Sociology 1301 are posted below. 
They are .mp3 files. 
If you want a good laugh sometime, listen to
Abbott and Costello's "Who's on First?"

January 11 2024 Opening Video Montage
January 11 2024 Introduction and Logistics
January 16 2024 Self and Society    TheSociological Imagination
January 18 2024 Macro Theory  Functionalist and Conflict
January 23 2024 Micro Theory  (Symbolic) Interactionist
January 25 2024 Research Methods
January 30 2024 Culture
February 6 2024 Socialization 
February 8 2024 Structure and Interaction
February 13 2024 Groups and Organizations
February 15 2024 Deviance 
February 22 2924 Stratification 
February 27 2024 Stratification and Race
February 29 2024 Stratification, Age, Sex, Gender
March 19 2024 Family
March 21 2024 Education
March 26 2024 Religion
April 2 2024 Politics
April 4 2024 Economy
April 9 2024 Health
April 16 2024 Population and Communities
April 18 2024 Collective Behavior
April 23 2024 Social change
  Audio lectures, Fall 2023